About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Marrow Growing ?

At the end of last year i said that i was going to have a go at growing Marrows, well here it is the only one that i managed to get to germinate out of the first sowing, and i must say it does seem to be doing very well it was up and growing in 4 days and has never looked back , quite why i made such a hash of getting the rest of them to germinate I'm not sure i did everything according to the book even down to giving them a bit of gentle bottom heat, I did keep back half a dozen seeds for a second sowing but out of them only one germinated again, it is still in a pot at the moment as i want to give it a really good start before planting it out. I am going to sort out some frame work for them to grow over so as to keep the fruit of the ground in the next day or so and we will see how we go.


Simon (Smithyveg) said...


I struggled with marrow germination this year too.....strange as I've never had problems in the past. Must be something to do with how well they grew last year and the viability of the seed.

In fact I seem to recall in a recent GN that Medwyn mentioned something about this....seeds of marrows, pumpkins and cucurbits were all quite scarce.

Veg4Show said...

This is true, depends on pollination for viable seed and considering the wet weather most seed were rubbish.

Saying that all mine germinated including the ones simon gave me.. Still time for them to die tho.