About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Parsnips Carrots and Fuchsias

My parsnips are making slow but steady growth since i thinned them down to the strongest one . This weeks wet and dull weather has slowed down their progress but I'm sure if we get a decent sunny spell they will make up. The variety is Picador F1 it looked good in the picture on the sales catalogue so i thought I'd give it a go this season, previously i have all ways grown Gladiator and been satisfied with it, so i hope it it turns out to be a good choice

The long carrots ( Grahame Watsons seeds that i won in club raffle) seemed to take an age to germinate with the first through in 17 days, fortunately all stations bar one germinated which i resowed and it to has now germinated so all station are now growing, the second sowing only took about 11 days to come through probably because things were a bit warmer when it was sown and hopefully it will catch up with the others, makes me wonder if I should rig up some protection to give March sown seed a fair chance. Just to round up on the carrot front the stump carrots are nearly all through with just a couple of stations still to show, but the recent heavy rain does seem to have given them a real bashing.

Last night as the weather was wet and wild i potted on some Fuchsia cutting that i was given buy the speaker at our last NVS meeting it was a different topic to normal to finish of this winters season of meetings. I had to pot them up at about midnight after the meeting on the 14th of April but I'm glad to say they have all
have started to grow plenty of root and look to be doing well with new leaf starting to come, the Varieties are on the right Sophie Louise and to the left Border Raider plus a couple of Dahlia cuttings that i took to fill the 2 empty spaces in the tray

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