About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Busy Busy

Things are starting to get busy at work on the farm with the start of Lambing time which means most other things like gardening and blogging will have to take a back seat for 2/3 weeks. Most of today has been spent getting trailer loads of sheep back from the Solway coast where around a third of them have spent most of the winter and tomorrow i will bring home the the last of them it's a round trip of just over 100 miles going up through Ambleside, Grasmere, St Johns in the vale, Keswick and Cockermouth, it was recently voted one of the most picturesque driving routes in Europe by some driving organisation and today with the sunshine and not a lot of traffic it was looking at it's best, especially the stretch from Grassmere to Keswick along by Thirlmere lake where over the Winter most of the conifers trees have been removed and it was light and open like i have never seen it before. I will try and get some pictures taken if i can tomorrow.

I did manage to get my Parsnips sown over the weekend I tried chitting them for a week first as recommended by Smithyveg but by the weekend they had not sprouted so i planted them 3 per station crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. The Sprouts and Tomatoes that i sowed 10 days ago are now all through and as i sowed them individually direct into decent sized cells they should be ok for a while till i have more time. Last Sunday i planted out some leeks that were not the best ones just so i could make some room in the greenhouse but by Monday they had all been pulled out and were left lying on the top of the soil i suspect that i had had a visit from the local deer population as their was some clear hoof prints in the new raked soil or they had just been passing through and the Jackdaws had been at them, anyway i just stuck them back in and we will see how they go on if they recover great if not well it,s no big deal just as long as my best ones get left alone when they go out. I'm hoping to be able to get my long Carrots in soon, but the weather forecast this weekend is poor so it could be the the middle of next week before i get a chance

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