About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

On the flower front

Just a overall shot of our back garden, it seems a bit empty in parts but we have put in quite a lot of bedding plants to fill up the gaps where things got killed of in the hard winter. I have put up my flag to support England at the World cup I just hope it's flying high next Saturday when we play the USA in our opening game.

The rhododendrons are now just getting in to full flower which is the best part of a fortnight later than usual, they do make a good screen for my compost bins and store of old plant pots that are tucked in just behind them.

Even Judy's hanging baskets starting to get in to flower.


Charlotte said...

Your hanging basket looks very pretty. It is good that you fly your flag although I think you should do it not just because of football.

Mrs. Mike said...

Here I am commenting two months late!
Those are late Rhodies! We had such a wet, cold spring, ours were also late to bloom, though some varieties don't seem to be effected.

Marine air off the coast keeps our mornings, this summer, cool till the clouds burn off early afternoon. This has kept my baskets far behind Judy's progress! The 'sun lovers'- petunias and geraniums say, just haven't done as well this year.