About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Day out at Rusland Show

After the wild and wet weather we had on Friday afternoon and night it was quite a relief that it all blew out by mid morning today (Saturday) and we were able to get outside and enjoy the show and sports that take place at the same time. It was a bit different as I said to the night before and which was absolutely no fun at all picking the crop to take and to be honest I made some pretty hasty decisions as to what went and what stayed but it turned out really well in the end winning the Blue Ribbon and cup for the best exhibit in Vegetable section with 3 leeks, not bad eh! they were pretty decent leeks but perhaps I could have blanched them a bit higher, still there's always next year to get it spot on. I also got a first with the carrots, parsnips and broad beans and a second with peas, but my marrow just scraped a third even if it was twice the size of the winner. I didn't take any onions as they seem to have done pretty poorly for some reason this year they grew well until the end of June then when it started to get in to July and it turned wet they seemed to grow lots of leaf then just flopped over next year I might try and plant them wider apart to give them more air and light later in the year, blimey I am thinking about next year and this year is still in full swing. I have some tomatoes now starting to ripen (them banana skins worked wonders Simon) and I managed to have just enough to get a set to take today but they just lacked a bit of quality and missed out on a ticket still there should be more to pick from soon. I had better give a mention to my granddaughters who took part in the sports section with Amy winning a third in the 200 m under twelves she got a cup to keep and that made her day, mind you she had already run the junior Fell race half an hour earlier and round here they run up proper Fells not just some steep hill. Jenny who's not just as athletic won the prettiest fancy dress competition so that's honours even in my book. Oh i nearly forgot Judy won a first with a knitted article and a second with a piece of sewing, she was robbed it should have won in my book.


Simon (Smithyveg) said...

Well done to you all!!!

And James, I started thinking about next year's shows weeks ago! LOL


Veg4Show said...

Congrats! Looks like you had some nice veg there, well done.

James (Digtoplant) said...

Thanks and good luck to both of you at your shows