About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Leeks and more Leaks

There's no getting away from this cold weather and work outside in the plot has ground to a halt, the only good thing with all the snow covering everything my garden looks as good as everyone else's, though I have taken the time today to pot on my leeks that I started mid November on into some 5" pots, should have probably done them sooner but there you go, and now they look a bit lost in such large pots. I would have usually put them into 3" pots first then 5" but as I am off to Portugal in just over a week for a break and will have to leave them to fend for themselves I thought they would have less risk of drying out whilst I am away in a bit more compost. The leeks are now about 6"/8" in height which is probably on the small size compared to some but I have tried to grow them at a slightly cooler temperature this year so as to be able to keep them moving froward slowly but steadily so as not get too tall and leggy too soon when it is still Winter. On the farm we have had a bit of a problem with the cattle's water troughs freezing up and this morning I arrived to find a leak in the system which had made quite a mess, plumbing is not one of my favourite jobs but we finally managed to get it sorted and mopped up but it was a cold and miserable hour doing it.
Theres always something to make you smile that turns up every day and today was no exception when I received an email from Gordon Brown asking me if I would like to donate ten pounds or more to the Labour party, er sorry Gordon you've got no chance. Mind if anyone reading this is interested in helping him out, and just at the moment the poor guy does seem a bit short of friends the message and link is. If you can't make it out to campaign this weekend you can still make a huge difference to our fight by donating just £10 today - every single penny you give will go towards our campaigning in the coming months. http://www.labour.org.uk
I think it was a serious ask, hell he must be desperate.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA That is hysterical!

I think he owes me £10.

Mrs. Mike said...

So when leeks get leggy, can you pinch them back or does that do damage?
And poor Gordon Brown, but I've got my hands here, full of Obama!