About Me

Hi I'm JAMES 60 and married with three daughters all left home now, daughters that is not the wife.I enjoy Gardening /Football and working on my Farm.The picture above in the header slot is where i live and work.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Vento onions

At long last i have managed to get the problems with my computer sorted out (with the help of some child computer genius from down the road) and managed to get some pictures of the onions (Vento) uploaded They were planted out on the 15th April from 30 module trays they were all well rooted and seemed to have been doing well since they went in I did put a stake and collar round them all after a week just to help them to keep growing upright, the bed that they are in this year is close to a old oak tree and although it is on the Northern side it does tend to make things planted lean slightly to the South where the strongest light is coming from. The last 2/3 days of quite heavy rain after the hot sunny weather has really perked them up so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some nice specimens for showing in the under 8oz class, it looks unlikely i will have many for the large onion class as of the ten that i bought 4 died 5 are pathetic and only 1 seems to have any size at all.


xraylady said...

you got your computer sorted!!?? more like your youngest daughter sorted it!

James (Digtoplant) said...

I you could be right, but you took your time about it.